Stop apologizing about how agile you aren’t

Two people are talking about agile stuff…

Person 1: So, what kind of process do you use in your group?

Person 2 (apologetically, hanging her head low): Well, we’re not very agile. We are doing iterations and retros, but our planning isn’t very good, we don’t pair, and we rarely do TDD.

I’ve seen this interaction quite a few times, and I’ve finally decided that I need to say something.

Stop apologizing about how agile you aren’t

Seriously. Yes, I know that it’s frustrating to run into people who are more experienced and/or in environments where they can try things that you haven’t/can’t.

Knowing what those groups do is great, as it gives you data about what you might want to try in the future. . *Comparing yourself* to those groups is not. Focus on the positive and the achievable within your own environment.

So, what do you think ?