Community server to blogml code

I wrote some custom code to convert the community server blog entries to a blogml version so that I could import it into I considered using the blogml assembly to create the code, but decided to hand-code it instead.

The way to use this is to create a blog, write one post, export it out (settings->export), and then hand-insert the categories and post sections into that exported file, then re-import it back. I decided to skip comments to make things easier.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.IO;

namespace blogconverter
    class Program
        static SqlDataReader Execute(string query)
            SqlCommand command = GetConnection().CreateCommand();
            command.CommandText = query;
            SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();
            return reader;

        static SqlConnection GetConnection()
            SqlConnection connection =
                new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=HOMELAPTOP\SQLEXPRESS;Database=BCCommunityServer;Integrated Security=SSPI;");

            return connection;

        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (StreamWriter writer = File.CreateText(@"c:\data\website\posts.xml"))
                string categories = GetCategories();

                string posts = GetPosts();



        static Dictionary _CategoryLookup = 
            new Dictionary();

        static string GetCategories()
            StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
            SqlDataReader reader = Execute(QueryCategory);

            while (reader.Read())
                int categoryId = (int) reader.GetValue(0);
                string name = (string) reader.GetValue(1);

                Guid id = Guid.NewGuid();

                _CategoryLookup.Add(categoryId, id);


So, what do you think ?